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Welcome to Drafter, your 2D drawing solution platform. This workflow will describe the process of creating your first drawing. Lets dive in.
This is your dashboard of uploaded parts
You can upload additional parts or view past part uploads
Upload a part by either selecting the “+” or dragging a file into this region
Drafter supports only step or .stp files, depending on your file size this may take several minutes
After your file has successfully uploaded, it will appear in the top left corner
If your part upload takes more then several minutes or an error screen appears, contact your drafter support representative
Start your drawing submission by selecting the file you’d like to open
When opened, you’ll see your part in a 3D viewer
Learn more about navigation in the 3D viewer here
Input or review part specifications
Manufacturing process is the machining process by which your part will be made.
Part material is what your part will be made from. This field allows you to select a material from our list or create a custom material.
Part finish is any finishes to be applied to the entire part. This field allows you to select a material from our list or create a custom material. You are able to add multiple processes here.
Units will determine the units your drawing is represented in.
Tolerance precision is the general tolerance Drafter will apply to your part. These can be overwritten later, but give us a starting point by which to tolerance your part.
At this step you’ll see Drafter’s “Detected Features” along with a prompt to select on your uploaded part. Some of these features may be auto-grouped.
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Next select your datums. Datums are the axis, surface, point, or plane that act as fixed points of reference and measurement when manufacturing or inspecting a part. Effective datums constrain 6 degrees of freedom. These are chosen based on features most critical to the part’s function (often mating surfaces.)
You can not select datums that do not constrain additional degrees of freedom
You may select groups of features, individual features, or surfaces
You must select datums that constrain your part to a minimum 5 degrees of freedom, but we encourage you to aim to constrain 6 degrees of freedom
You are required to select a minimum of 2 datums, but we encourage you to select 3 in order to fully constrain your part in space
Each datum selection will prompt a notification indicating your current degrees of freedom constrained
Currently, selecting beyond 3 datums is not supported by Drafter
After a datum is selected you’ll see it move from under “Detected Features” to “Critical Features” along with a datum symbol.
To remove a datums, simply hover over the element in the “Critical Features” and select X. Removing a selected datums will wipe any following selected datums
Critical features are specific characteristics of a part or assembly that are essential to its intended functionality. These features must meet precise specifications to ensure the component operates effectively and reliably. Any deviation from these specifications can compromise performance or lead to failure of the system. Learn more about Critical Features here.
In Drafter’s workflow there are 3 steps to “Critical Feature” selection. You’ll notice “Critical Features” appear above “Detected Features.” Any selected datums should already be labeled as “Critical Features.”
Identify and select critical features of the part, beyond the datums you’ve already selected. These selections should be specific to “Detected Features” that can be seen in the right side panel. As a selection is made the feature will move to the “Critical Features” section.
Identify and select critical surfaces of the part. These selections should be surfaces that are critical to function and are typically not seen in the right side panel. As a selection is made the feature will appear in the “Critical Features” section.
Identify and select critical distances of the part. To select a critical distance, select two surfaces of the part. As a selection is made the feature will appear in the “Critical Features” section.
To remove a critical feature, simply hover over the element in the “Critical Features” and select X
This is your last chance to edit your drawing, please review & confirm your happy with any selections made to this point.
Fill out the “Submit” box with all relevant information. This information will ultimately populate your title block and general notes.
This is also your opportunity to acknowledge any holes with threads, (ex: Holes 2 x 3mm = M3 x 0.6,) or other crucial details, (ex: aesthetics, masking, marking, etching, etc.)
Submit the drawing for processing or approval, after doing so you will no longer be able to edit you submission. If you wish to edit, you’ll have to restart with a new .stp file.